Thursday, December 15, 2016

Blog stage 8

I just finished reading Angela's post on South Texas parents, advocates claim school districts withheld special ed. wow. This is really disturbing to hear there is not enough support for some minorities to be able to continue their education. I don't know what to say really. I myself have language barriers and I can totally relate to people who can't be heard just because they speak a different language. and it's really sad, we are all human, all equals we have to take care of our disable children and people in need. We should not even wait for others to tell us such a thing, let alone they have language barriers and we don't have translators as well so problem solved. I got really excited about this topic so probably I have tons of grammar and vocabulary issues but we need to make a change, as small as writing a comment with broken language.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Austin should extend metro system

In the last post I commented on how it is better for Austin's residents to expand the transit system. In this post I'm going to talk about a specific transportation system and "Why exactly does Austin's traffic suck so much?" The metro system is one of the greatest ways of transportation. Austin's metro system is divided into several parts such as MetroBus, MetroExpress, MetroRapid, MetroRail, Night Owls, E-Bus, University of Texas Shuttles, MetroAccess, RideShare, and Freight Rail. There are 82 bus routes and 364 buses in the Austin area. Although these numbers are pretty outstanding, you have to picture that Austin is the fastest growing of the 50 largest U.S. cities. The metro system is barely catching up to the population and city growth. There are apartment complexes added to the outskirts of Austin area in the past couple of years that still don't have connection to the network of bus or metro routes. Considering that a vast majority of the Austin population are students of colleges or universities, I can strongly suggest that if they had any option outside of owning or leasing a vehicle, they would take it. The convenience of having public transport to get them from their home to campus to work and back would knock out the necessity to pay extra for car, gas, insurance etc. Not to mention, that by reducing these number of young drivers on the roads would also prevent a lot of the horrible traffic and accidents. Imagine the number of lives that could saved by allowing ambulances to get to their destination in a timely manner and without the dangers of heavy traffic. The list goes on and on. To reiterate, the options for public transportation are numerous but the limitation comes from the lack of access to these routes and stations. How can anyone comfortably utilize this form of transportation when the closest station is miles of walking distance away from their starting point? A change needs to be made. Its up to all of us to come together and come up with a solution. Reach out to your community leaders!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Austin should extend the pubic transit system
According to "Why exactly does Austin's traffic suck so much?". Austin has one of the worst traffics in Texas. In 2012, INRIX ranked Austin as the fourth worst congested city in the US, while costing the state over $201 million a year. In the last few years Austin has became one of the most populated cities with a horrible traffic mostly due to the fact that there is not enough public transformation options available. As a college student when I began going to college I started to use buses and metros but it was really hard for me to get to even a bus station from my home, I had to walk at least for 20 minutes to get to the nearest bus station every time I wanted to go to college. After a semester I found out there is a metro system in Austin! but unfortunately the last stop was in downtown area and I used to live way south. After a while of me trying to be a nature lover and help the traffic slow down I saw I cant do it anymore. It started to get cold and raining, cars would carelessly go to a pile of water near the bus station and the next thing you knew you were covered in dirt and cold water. So I was forced to get a car. If Austin had a better public transportation with a better access to different areas of the city I know a lot of people that would get rid of their vehicles and it would have helped a lot to reduce the traffic, accident rates, save a lot of money for state, and also a cleaner air to breathe. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

critique on "Trump’s Weakness in Texas Is a Fluke"

I was searching through the news earlier today that I came across an interesting post from Texasmonthly. Lately with the whole voting for president process and the close competition between Trump and Clinton in Texas, I was wondering if Texas is really have a chance to become a democrat state or its still republic but the republicans just simply prefer to vote for Clinton over Trump. Well, "Trump’s Weakness in Texas Is a Fluke" was a really good post answering to my questions! The author, Mann, kind of starts by a passive aggressive way and giving hope to democrats at the beginning but then just crashes the reality on them, which I really found interesting. Mann points out several occasions proving that Texas is far long from becoming a democrat state and one of his reasoning, which I found quite funny, is: "It’s also worth remembering that most statewide offices in Texas come up for election in non-presidential years in which the electorate generally tends to be whiter and older—in other words, more Republican"(Mann). But he also mentions that the Latino voters are increasing daily and it means more votes for democrats so I got the feeling that he is bias and is not just trying to say one group is going to be dominating forever, but just simply pointing out the facts and information available about both parties. So go and check this post out and see if you have the same idea or a totally different point of view!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

critique on "Bringing Democracy to Texas State"

In this post I'm going to be critiquing on "Bringing Democracy to Texas State"! This article is about bringing in a new series of events at Texas State University called The Discourse in Democracy series which has was initiated by a political science professor, Dr. Kenneth Grasso. When I first read the article I was impressed by how determine the author is that students will enjoy this opportunity, even later on in the article author quotes Dr. Inbody, political science senior lecturer says: "It is an especially valuable opportunity for students of all majors and backgrounds to increase their political understanding.” but there is no evidence if the students really like this! There isn't a single interview with a student or a data chart which says for example this percentage of students are interested. I Personally think it is a great opportunity but with having so much homework and exams that have been piled up I don't think many students would be able to attend those events. Maybe if there were some more information available on students input on these series of event it would've made the article more student friendly rather than the University is doing it no matter if students like it or not.
P.S I did not mean to offend anyone or say someone is right or wrong, this post is just been made for critique assignment for my Texas Government class. Thank you!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Northeast Texans Are Dying At A Way Higher Rate Than Everyone Else! I found this news on the Texasmonthly website which basically is talking about how the death rate is much more higher in Northeast Texas. It was really interesting for me to read some percentages are considerably higher than other parts of the country like dying from heart diseases or cancer which is not in our control! suicide can be understandable maybe there is an absence of something that causes people to commit suicide like not being able to find a job or there is nothing to do to cheer up or even maybe the weather is somehow depressive and cloudy which can lead to depression but heart disease and cancer rate really caught my attention, is there anything else involved in that area that is causing people to have a more chance of getting cancer and heart diseases? Maybe there is some kind of a chemical in the air that causes this. Since I'm studying to go to a medical field for my career, I'm trying to approach this from a scientific perspective and If I was doing an internship I would've definitely gone and ran an experiment to see what exactly is going on. Or maybe there isn't any scientific explanation after all, maybe its all randomly happening!