Wednesday, October 26, 2016

critique on "Trump’s Weakness in Texas Is a Fluke"

I was searching through the news earlier today that I came across an interesting post from Texasmonthly. Lately with the whole voting for president process and the close competition between Trump and Clinton in Texas, I was wondering if Texas is really have a chance to become a democrat state or its still republic but the republicans just simply prefer to vote for Clinton over Trump. Well, "Trump’s Weakness in Texas Is a Fluke" was a really good post answering to my questions! The author, Mann, kind of starts by a passive aggressive way and giving hope to democrats at the beginning but then just crashes the reality on them, which I really found interesting. Mann points out several occasions proving that Texas is far long from becoming a democrat state and one of his reasoning, which I found quite funny, is: "It’s also worth remembering that most statewide offices in Texas come up for election in non-presidential years in which the electorate generally tends to be whiter and older—in other words, more Republican"(Mann). But he also mentions that the Latino voters are increasing daily and it means more votes for democrats so I got the feeling that he is bias and is not just trying to say one group is going to be dominating forever, but just simply pointing out the facts and information available about both parties. So go and check this post out and see if you have the same idea or a totally different point of view!

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